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Who I Help
People come to me when they want help exploring and making sense of their reactions, thoughts, and impulses, or when they want more fulfilling relationships.
Trauma robs us of our sense of self, of our trust in ourselves. When we experience trauma, we do what we need to do in order to survive it, physically and emotionally, and these ways of surviving have lasting effects. Our bodies and brains end up responding in ways we don't understand, and often in ways that don't serve us in the moment, especially in relationship. I can help you understand why that is, and how to break free of those patterns.
In addition to helping you understand what's going on, I can also use experiential and somatic techniques including EMDR to help you process the stored traumatic memories and transform the negative beliefs you have about yourself, not just in your head but in your heart.
Areas of Focus
People who have experienced childhood trauma
Highly Sensitive People/Empaths
Third Culture Kids
People with dissociative identities
Survivors of sexual abuse or assault
Adults who experienced emotional abuse
Anyone struggling with intense emotions
Those who struggle with 'neediness', anxiety or co-dependency in relationships
Couples stuck in high-conflict patterns
People with Borderline Personality Disorder
Couples or individuals in alternative relationship structures
People who don't know what's wrong with them only that they struggle with life
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
- Anais Nin
Help is a phone call away. Call, text, or email now to set up a consultation: 408-337-2889 or